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Sustainable everyday — scenarios, visions, possible worlds — Ezio Manzini & François Jegou

To transition towards more sustainable futures we must learn to “put on stage” possible futures, “enabling them to be discussed democratically and for us to decide which of them are more desirable”.

Projections must be clear and include all social actors.

Scenarios, particularly scenarios of everyday life, are most valuable.

“What could life be like in a sustainable society? What features are common to any sustainable society we can imagine today? And how wide a range of choice could we have, starting from these common elements?”

Ideas should be cosmopolitan, originate locally but have the potential to adaptively spread globally.

The ‘Sustainable Everyday’ exhibition focuses on the future of ‘dwelling’ from the perspective of changing social and system not technological innovation.

The exhibition is “a means of steering the future … it presents ‘current signals’ which seem justifiably promising”.

“Ways, means and timing of a transition towards sustainability”

The exhibition itself is also sustainable, repeatable, updatable, multi-local, transportable, low in resource intensity, regenerative.

It considers the role of shared visions (or narrative?) as a facilitator of innovation.

Discussing the general principles of sustainability fails to consider what the world would be like even with the principles in place. Discussing the practical applications has the same shortfall.

Think about what the world will be like with the adoption of any sustainable system, technology, or social understanding.


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